Brand Info

Brand: Mage Orange
[Classes- 35 & 16]

Trademark Application Status: Accepted & advertised

“Mage Orange” is the brand under which Mage Orange Publication & Technologies primarily provides book publishing, printing, advertising, and marketing services. Novels in the fiction category are included under this brand.


Brand: Mage Orange
[Class- 42]

Trademark Application Status: We are defending the opposition filed by Orange Brand Services Limited, having its registered address at 3 More London Riverside, London, SE1 2AQ, United Kingdom and owned by Orange SA, France.

Mage Orange Publication and Technologies intended to initiate scientific and technological services, research and development under the brand “Mage Orange” from the end of 2022. However, owing to opposition against the trademark application in Class 42 filed by Orange Brand Services Limited, having its registered address at 3 More London Riverside, London, SE1 2AQ, United Kingdom and owned by Orange SA, France, we have temporarily diluted these services to our other Brands, viz. “Oranzed” and “EINSVIK” till we are awarded a positive outcome by the court.


Brand: Oranzed

Trademark Application Status: Applied

Activities under this brand primarily include scientific and technological R&D, theoretical research, publishing of journals & magazines, publishing of academic books, scientific and technological services.

Books by the Mage Orange Publication & Technologies R & D team are published under this brand. We are currently working on six books related to the human body, economics, technology, the universe, meditation, and physics, respectively, that are scheduled to be initially released by 2023 and 2024 as eBooks and print books.
After the first release, we will be working towards releasing 3D interactive versions of these books with VR, AR, AI, and hologram support. This project is codenamed “The Oranzed Revolution Project” and currently has the topmost priority at Mage Orange Publication & Technologies.



Trademark Application Status: Applied

Activities under this brand primarily include scientific and technological R&D, theoretical research, publishing of scientific journals & research papers, publishing of books for higher studies, scientific and technological services, technology-driven gadgets & devices, software programmes & applications, AI, VR, AR.


Brand: Wise2Wisdom

Trademark Application Status: Applied

Wise2Wisdom is the community-driven segment of Mage Orange Publication & Technologies. The prototype was launched in 2020. Services under this brand include providing articles and information, blogging for fiction, non-fiction, and academic writers and scholars. In the future, Wise2Wisdom will enable holographic projection-based virtual research, meetings, and conferences on the Metaverse or elsewhere.



Trademark Application Status: To be updated

The Unusual Expedition is a series of fiction and non-fiction books targeted to advocate psychological, medical, social, political, and other global achievements or issues through novels based on real-life incidences or fiction.



# Information provided in this page is not for legal purpose.
# “We” refers to Mage Orange Publication & Technologies.
# All rights reserved.